Complaints/Requests for Reconsideration of Library Materials

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The Graves County Public Library believes in freedom of information for all and does not practice censorship. This principle applies to all formats included in GCPL’s collection. The library recognizes that some materials are controversial and that any given item may offend some patron. Selection of materials will not be made on the basis of anticipated approval or disapproval but solely on the basis set forth in this policy. Exclusion of materials may occur due to cost, accessibility, limited demand, or lack of documentation, but never solely because of frank expression, coarse language, viewpoint, or mature content. GCPL holds choice of materials to be a purely individual matter. While anyone is personally free to reject books and other materials, he/she may not restrict the free choice of others. Library materials will not be marked or identified to show approval or disapproval of their contents and no library materials will be sequestered, except to protect from injury or theft. Parents and/or legal guardians are responsible for monitoring materials used by their own children. At no time will library staff act in loco parentis. Library selection decisions are not influenced by the possibility that materials may be accessible to minors. Patrons requesting that an item be withdrawn from the collection may complete a Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials Form. The inquiry should be sent to the Library Director, who will, respond in writing by mail, informing the patron of the time when a decision will be made by a challenge committee composed of the Director, and a board member. Within 21 business days of the receipt of the request, the challenge committee will meet privately and decide on one of the following responses:

  1. The work is within the scope of collection standards and no action will be taken,

  2. The work will be shelved in a more mature portion of the collection, or

  3. There is some question about the work and it has been put before the whole board for further consideration with or without a recommendation from the committee.

If the committee recommends the work to the board, or if the patron lodging the initial request is not satisfied with the result of the committee’s work and re-files the request, then the work will be placed on the agenda for the next board meeting. At the next board meeting, the board may or may not take action on the work. If it does not take action on the work, the committee’s decision or suggestion will stand approved. If the board does take action on the work, all of the committee’s possible responses are open to it, with the addition of simply removing the work from the collection. The response of the board is final and will be transmitted by the Director in writing by mail to the patron initiating the request. The Director is responsible for implementing this policy and shall set forth operating standards and procedures to ensure that the policy is complied with. Such standards and procedures are subject to review and revision by the board.

In the interest of protecting the individual’s right to have access to materials, the Graves County Public Library supports the following documents:

The Library Bill of Rights – Adopted June 18, 1948; amended February 2, 1967; and June 23, 1980; inclusion of “age” reaffirmed January 23, 1996 by the ALA Council.

The Freedom to Read Statement – Adopted June 25, 1953; revised January 28, 1972; January 16, 1991; July 12, 2000; and June 30, 2004; by the ALA Council and the AAP Freedom to Read Committee.