Food and Drink

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Policy Type

The Graves County Public Library permits the consumption of beverages carried in covered containers, food items in the lobby, exceptions in designated areas.* All other drinks and food are not permitted in the Library. 


  • Acceptable covered beverage containers include disposable coffee and soft drink cups with lids, plastic or glass bottles with twist-on lids, travel mugs, and sport-type water bottles. Lids should be kept on bottles and containers at all times.
  • Food may be eaten in the lobby only. Library programs that involve food are the only exception.

*Designated areas where different policies are in place 

  • Genealogy Room: No food or drinks permitted
  • Near photocopiers, printers, and microfilm reader/printers: No food or drinks permitted
  • Public Computers: No food or drinks permitted
  • Collections areas directly among books and other library materials: No food or drinks permitted. 

Please be considerate of other library users when eating and drinking in the Library. Report any spills to library staff immediately.