Gifts and Donations

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The Graves County Public Library appreciates donations from the public and from businesses and organizations.

Gifts of Books and Other Library Materials

Due to space constraints and limited processing resources, GCPL is unable to accept all materials offered to us. The library reserves the right to dispose of unsolicited materials in any manner it deems appropriate.

The Library accepts gifts of library materials in good condition. This includes, but is not limited to, books, audiobooks, CDs, DVDs, and Blu-Rays.

The library does not accept the following:

  • Anything donated with restrictions as to disposition or use
  • Books and materials stained with water, dust, or mold (which could spread to the existing collection), etc., or anything with a noticeable odor.
  • Magazines (Including National Geographic)
  • Encyclopedias over two years old
  • Computer Books over two years old
  • VHS tapes
  • Reader’s Digest Condensed Books
  • Anything that needs repair

All library materials accepted as gifts will be evaluated in accordance with the Graves County Public Library Collection Development Policy.

In most cases, usable library materials that the Library does not add to its collections are offered to the Friends of the Graves County Public Library for their book sales. Money raised by the Friends from their book sales is used to benefit GCPL.


A memorial is created when money or materials is donated to add items to the collection, usually in memory or honor of an individual or group. There are Memorial Gift envelopes that can be filled out for monetary donations. GCPL welcomes suggestions for purchases, but reserves the right to the final decision regarding all materials. A memorial may be placed in the library collection for circulation use. GCPL will send a thank you letter to donors and a family member of the deceased. All Memorial gifts are recorded in the library’s permanent Book of Remembrance, which is on display in the public library.

Donations of any other types of gifts will be considered by the library director on a case-by-case basis.


The Graves County Public Library can provide receipts for gifts only in the following cases: 

Cash or check donations: A receipt will be sent in the form of a letter stating the amount donated.

All other donations: Acknowledgment letters are usually not written for routine donations of used materials. At the request of the donor, GCPL will supply a Gift Receipt Acknowledgement Form signed by the employee receiving the materials. This will be given only at the time of the donation. The form will list the number and type of donation only. The donor is responsible for assigning and documenting monetary value for tax purposes.

The library cannot give receipts for previously donated material.

Gifts to Library Staff

Individual library staff cannot accept valuable gifts or any form of currency for the services they provide as library staff. Appreciative patrons are encouraged to make contributions to the library as a whole, or provide a gift that all staff can enjoy equally. This policy is to ensure that staff will treat all members of the public equally, and that no preferential treatment is shown or expected.