The large community room of the library is intended primarily for library-sponsored functions, and will take precedence over all other pre-scheduled programs. The large community room is provided free of charge, to individuals and groups for civic, educational, cultural, intellectual, and philanthropic purposes except for a cleaning fee of $ 70 which will be paid by the day of the meeting if there are meals. Snack foods aren’t included in this charge like drinks and chips. Checks will be made out to Graves County Public Library. Attendance at meetings may not be restricted based on age, race, sex, religion, national origin, disability or any other legally protected status. Approval to use the large community room does not constitute an endorsement by the Library Board of the group's or individual's policies or beliefs.
Library equipment and services must be requested at the time the large community room is reserved. A spokesman for the group is responsible for agreeing to the Guidelines for Public Use. Lost or damaged Library equipment must be replaced. Keys for access to the Large Community Room will be left in a lock box by the entrance in the portico, and the code for it will be given to the authorized person scheduling the room if the meeting is after library operating hours. The person scheduling the room is held responsible.
Guidelines for Public Use
The large community room is booked on an equal first-come, first-served basis. Reservations should be made at least 24 hours prior to the meeting. An organization may schedule no more than two reservations per month. Exceptions may be made for government agencies and library organizations. Reservation requests are not final until confirmed by library personnel.
All tables, chairs, and furniture must be restored to its original positions after every meeting. No staff are responsible for the placement of tables, chairs, or other furniture in the meeting room.
No group may schedule the room more than 12 months in advance.
Neither the name nor the address of the library may be used as the official address or headquarters of an organization.
Children’s groups, or any group consisting mainly of persons under the age of 18 may use the room, provided they are supervised by adults who accept the responsibility for their behavior. Individuals booking the room must be 18 years of age.
Kitchen supplies must be provided by the user.
Parking space for any meeting must allow for normal library parking needs. The library makes no promise for adequate parking space for meetings.
No conduct disturbing regular library use or infringing on any library rules is permitted. The individual who schedules the large community room is responsible for the supervision of the group.
Abuse of the community room or failure to adhere to Library policies may result in loss of community room privileges. No alcoholic beverages or drugs are permitted on the library's premises. No smoking inside the library facility. Violations may result in permanent loss of community room use.
Groups must notify the library of a cancellation of the library large community room at the earliest possible date. If the library is not notified of cancellations for two consecutive times by the same group we will assume all future meetings are canceled and reservations will be canceled.
In consideration of the use of the large community room, each organization and responsible person agrees that: (A) It will pay for all damage to any property of the Graves County Public Library resulting directly or indirectly from the conduct of any member, officer, employee or agent of the organization or its guests. (B) It will hold blameless the Graves County Public Library from and against any and all liability which may be imposed upon them for any injury to persons or property caused by the organization or any person in connection with a meeting.
The following uses of library large community room are not permitted:
No admission fees or collections will be allowed for any event scheduled in the large community room, except library functions. Library sponsored events for the purpose of raising funds for the library are allowed.
No group may conduct commercial or solicitation activities while using the large community room. Meetings to promote sales or advertise products may not be held. Meetings by private employers may be held if it is for the purpose of staff training, employment testing, or other activities unrelated to sales and/or promotion.
Social functions or recitals unless sponsored by the library.
Activities likely to disrupt regular library operations.
The promotion of illegal activities. Meetings and individuals must conform to local laws or ordinances.
Groups shall not issue publicity indicating library sponsorship, and the library reserves the right to post disclaimers as applicable. Neither the name nor the address of the Graves County Public Library may be used as the official address or headquarters of an organization. The Director or designated staff reserve the right to review handout literature and press releases in advance of scheduled meeting.
Library functions have priority use of the community room.
Review or Appeal Process
Exceptions to this policy may be made at the discretion of the Library Director or his/her designee. Individuals or groups who are denied the use of a community room may appeal to the Director. Such appeal shall be filed in writing with the Director within 10 days of rejection. The appeal will be presented to the Board of Trustees who shall be the final authority in granting or refusing permission for the use of the room.
Organization Name: _____________________________________________________
Authorized Signature: ____________________________________________________